Memories Captured: Two and a Half

Today, I am honored to link up with two of my favorite bloggers; Galit Breen of These Little Waves and Alison of Mama Wants This. I have been so inspired by both of these talented writers and am thrilled that they are holding a link up for Memories Captured. This genius idea encourages you to capture a moment with words and photos. I love this project, and found the task of finding a beautiful picture of my son and reflecting on it to be fun and challenging. I was so enthralled with this idea, that I could not decide between two of my most favorite recent pictures. I decided to include both. I’m not sure if I was able to capture his essence with these photos and words, but it allowed me to reflect on him and who he is right now, at this precious age of two-and-a-half.

26 thoughts on “Memories Captured: Two and a Half

  1. Those eyes, oh those eyes! What a big boy and handsome. I love (and hate) the Independence of this age. Learning to let go a little but still loving the cuddles. My granddaughter is 2-1/2 as well, so this definitely brought her to mind.

  2. this made me smile so much. 🙂
    when i ask my girl if she’s my big girl or baby, she always replies, “I a baby.” and i eat it up. she is my baby. always and forever. 🙂

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